Thursday, December 13, 2012

Packing? Do I have to?

Packing is the worst.

Packing would be the best. I am staying the entire year! What could I possibly have to pack? Oh yeah.. I HAVE TO MOVE. (%$#$%#$#$%#$%^$%^$%^$%!!!!!!)

All the perks of staying here? Gone.

And it gets better. I have a weird 3 hour period to do it. Kill me. My new apartment is at the bottom of 150 stairs. Cabs can't get there.

So I have four things to pack for: my overnight trip to Florence (easy), my new apartment (terrible. must include clothes, toiletries, books, everything from my kitchen.), my last week of Perugia (because I have to move all my possessions seven days before I leave. WHAT?!) and my trip home.

I have a stress rash. Additionally, I'm playing hookey... a lot recently... so my stress rash is also living off my semi-irrational fear that my attendance hasn't been sufficient to take my final exam.

I just want to go to home SO BADLY. I would go home now even if it meant leaving 80 percent of my possessions behind. I accumulate so much crap so that's saying something. All the American students get to go home in the next two days. I'm SO JEALOUS. I've wanted to go home for over a month.

Just when I feel totally wretched, I think of everyone else who have to do finals. You guys are the real sufferers here! I may be stuck here for another week but at least I have no intelligent hurdles.

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