Well. Perugia is being a pain in my ass. You heard me! I didn't think re-entry would be so difficult. The problem is I have a new apartment... which I HATE. I miss my old apartment. It was practically perfect compared to this place. In my old apartment, I always had hot water, I rarely got splashed by the sink, the heat worked consistently and there was more living space. My new room is a third of the size of my old one. My shower is half the size- which I didn't even know was possible. And I can't wake up to natural sunlight because my shutters are on the outside of my windows which face a street. Counter space? What is this mythical creature of whom you speak?
I cut garlic today with a dull steak knife in a sloped plate because I couldn't find a sharp knife or a cutting board.
The hardest part of living in Italy is the living.
School is going pretty well. I've discovered that I've learned and retained so many things. I like half of my classmates. I enjoy the material and most of my professors.
I haven't slept enough though. Today was a trial. I slept for 5 hours and then woke up at 4 am. I was awake until my first class from 8-11, my tutoring from 230-430 and then my final class from 5-7. Ready to drop dead!
But the fun never ends. I found out my schedule is utterly incompatible with the world. I cannot audit a class at Umbra. I am missing orientation for my internship that is apparently very far away. So I will probably do neither of those things.
So much for filling up my spare time with more education and activities. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO BECOME NERDIER HERE?! Pooh pooh ca choo.
Thank God for this jar of nutella and this spoon.
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