Monday, November 12, 2012

Barcelona: Where Everyone Speaks English/Catalan/Spanish...

Suzanne's friend Jordan was not as organized as he seemed. Hahahaha, I laugh now with sheer exhaustion.

Friday was a pain in the butt. I stayed out super late on Thursday night so I slept for a few hours before having to leave for Barcelona. Because Perugia is so out of the way of my life, the trip required a 20 min light rail ride, a 3 hour train ride, a 40 minute bus ride... just to get to the Roman airport. ARGH.

So Thursday night, I came home to Suzanne's alarm going off because her flight was 10 hours before mine. I fall asleep as she walked out the door... four hours later I get a phone call. "Hey, Louisa? I forgot my passport... Can you bring it to me?" Poor Suzanne has the worst luck with traveling. I check the train schedule and it was impossible for me to get there before her flight. So Suzanne spent 12 hours in the Fiumicino airport by herself. So Maura and I finally showed up at the airport and Suzanne had all these hilarious stories of how she spent her 12 hours, exploring the airport and buying things. We didn't get into our apartment in Barcelona until after midnight.

Then Jordan said the most terrible sentence you can hear from the person who has booked your trip, "Guys, you are going to hate me."

AHHH. That's in the same category as "We need to talk", "I have to tell you something" and "Can I ask you a question?"

Turns out he didn't realize he booked a bedroom in an apartment, not an entire apartment. He had to sleep on basically two cushions in the living room while us girls shared one of the bedrooms. None of the doors had locks... Fortunately, it was a nice clean apartment and nothing was stolen whatsoever.

Saturday we were all so tired we slept until noon. Because it was Jordan's birthday and he had given the impression of having a strategy for the day... but he had not. Hahah So we went to Gaudi's famous cathedral, walked around, drank sangria...

This is the worst part though. Jordan found a movie theatre that played movies in English... I went all the way to Barcelona to watch Looper with Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordan Levit.

My first movie since... August? AH it was awesome. All I want to do is eat Mexican food, sushi and go to the movie theatre.


That evening, I tried "mixed paella" which had all this sketchy seafood in it. The rice and meat was bomb but I don't think I'm a big seafood person. But hey I tried it! Then we went out to different bars because it was Jordan's 21st birthday. There were some misses for sure. However, this friend of a friend of Suzanne's got us into this one club around 2:30... turns out it was SUPER legit and fun! One of the first bars we went to was full of rude American study abroad students. This, however, club was full of internationals and Spaniards. It was so much fun. We danced until around 5:30!

Sunday was rough. We slept from 6:30 to 12, took a cab to an airport, flew to Rome, took a cab, took a 3 hour train, waited and took a bus, watched home in pouring rain...

I was no fun haha. Even today I feel so tired. I hate this rain so much. I hate having wet feet.

Spain was a cool experience. I wish I saw more of the city. It was frustrating being unable to speak Italian with anyone. I hate speaking English in foreign countries, it feel so rude and stereotypical.

Needless to say, I'm thrilled to be back in Perugia and don't want to leave for awhile!

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