Hello, world! It's been awhile.
I took a break for your own good. Besides complaining and being bored, there was nothing going on in my life to recount! But good news, more things happened in my life!
First, I got invited to a Bible study. It was reallllly great. It's funny how easily it all happened... I got invited when I should have gone home to sleep early but I was lured in by the promise of cookies. I downloaded an Ignatius Bible on my phone in like 45 seconds. It was a small group of Christians who I'm pretty sure all attend different churches back home. Suddenly, I found myself in this deep discussion about prayer, conversion stories, St. Augustine, the progression of human knowledge towards the Divine Being, etc. It was quite wonderful. I was the only Catholic there and suddenly I was asked sincere questions about Catholicism, which I LOVE. It makes me realize how much I learned at TAC. I found myself confidently answering questions after simple reflection. Also, unlike most Bible studies, it was really comfortable because we were all friends beforehand. Some people said some beautiful things that were great to hear.
Friday night, I made dinner with some people. Good news, you really can't go wrong with salt, vegetables, olive oil, garlic, tomato sauce and herbs. Better news, if you fry enough garlic with confidence and people are really hungry, they might think you are a good cook. Huzzzahhh! After dinner, we went to meet up with my friend Effie for aperitivo because her American boyfriend Nate was in town. Afterwards, we went to a few bars because Effie wanted to show Nate our ridiculous Perugia nightlife. We had sooo much fun. I was in such a good mood that Suzanne asked me if I was drunk (false).
Can I just give out a shout out to American men? I MISS YOU. I've talked to other American girls about this. I truly realize how amazing my guy friends are. Italian men can be such dogs. I can think of one or two Italian men who aren't skeeze bags. Ok, that might not be fair to Italian men in general. But in Perugia where foreign girls come and go, (ok, SOME OF) these Italian guys totally take advantage. I'm sure there are nice Italian men somewhere studying in a library and don't go on patrol in the downtown center to pick up girls... but I doubt I will meet any of them hahaha. I would probably get lost trying to find this hypothetical library full of Italian nerds (swoon). It's probably for the best because I would never leave if I actually found it.
So I'm contemplating dying my hair brown. For my pronunciation class, I have this Italian professor who might be barely 5'1. He is missing teeth. He's in his 50s and very funny. Of course, his class is a waste of time because we never learn anything. My friend Sigrid from Norway (aka beautiful blonde girl) and I sat in the back of the class, bored and talking to each other instead of paying much attention. We are the only blondes in the class. I don't really remember how this came up, but suddenly our professor tells us that in Sicily, men think blondes are easy. Hence they harass them very much. After laughing, I turned to Sigrid and said "Wow, that explains a lot..." And she's like YEAH and then goes on to tell me this story where these two old Italian men fought over her once and she had no idea what was going on hahahah. Oh great.
So on Sunday, Sigrid and I went to San Marino and San Leo. Both are famous for their rock castles. We loved the towns more than the castles because they were so charming. Unfortunately, San Marino was full of creepy staring men. One old guy literally watched me eat lunch and tried to catch my eye for about 20-30 minutes AT 1 IN THE AFTERNOON. What the heck. I also wanted to stand up and go over to him and say, "REALLY? I'm probably 4 inches taller and 20 years younger than you. In what world? You disgust me. Go awaaaaayyyyyyy!"
Otherwise, San Marino was a beautiful little country. Go visit it.
Saturday, Suzanne, Sigrid, Kim and I hit up Eurochocolate, the chocolate festival that goes on in downtown Perugia for 10 days. It sounds fun! It was... a zoo. Sooo many people. Overpriced chocolate and lines everywhere you looked. I hate crowds but we managed to escape eventually and have some chill time. I'm currently scared to go to the supermarket because I don't want to brave the chaos... But I'm hungry. Louisa cannot live on saltines, Nutella and jam alone! At least I have coffee :D
November is going to be full of visits! I'm so excited. Suzanne and I are going to hit up Barcelona for a weekend. After that, Anna will come visit me in Perugia. I'm going to try to swing a day trip to Florence which would be lovely indeed. Then at the end of November, Anna and I will be meeting up with Cathleen, Jenny and Annie in Scotland. AH!! I hope it all works out. I'm so excited... and a little sick of Perugia on the weekends. I'm also trying to visit my family in Trieste and I want to hit up Venice.
I'm thinking of going to a different Italian city next semester because I think I'm going to be so so so sick of Perugia by January and I'll have to meet all new people anyway since all of my good peeps are here for only a semester. But that sounds like sooo much work... and I think B2 will be so much better class wise too here in Perugia.
I'm currently playing hooky. Can you tell I'm a little over life right now? Haha.
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