Soooo.... my surprise roommate made a big splash. My school is moving us to a new apartment. One of my Umbra roommates already moved tonight. Suzanne and I are moving to a cute little apartment in a great location tomorrow. It's a Ritz compared to where we live now and we even get our own rooms! Too bad moving sucks so much...
The conversation that got us this new apartment: hilarious. So Suzanne and I are complaining... and the residence lady is like Yeah, I know, he's so much older, it's so inappropriate. And I was like um yeah... and because he's a DUDE... She's like you should always expect a male roommate...
Ok. So basically what happened is Francesco bent the rules. He is only supposed to rent to students of the Stranieri, where I go. However, it's implied that these students must be young. The residence lady was mad we lived with an old man instead of a young man. I surrreeennddderrrr to this day and chaos. What the hell? I don't want to live with a twenty year old man either. They pee allover the bathroom and never clean up. Yes, don't deny it. I've been to your house.
The residence lady is soooo pissed at Francesco that she's moving all of us out of our apartment. Poor Jorge must feel like an ass. He's actually doing us a favor, this is a dump. I feel really bad because I chatted with him and he's a very nice fellow. I even feel like I betrayed him, despite the briefness of our friendship.
Last night in Casa Mariotti. Goodbye, pee smelling bathroom and molding shower curtain.
In other news, I started class today. My class is about 15-20 people from allover: German, Polish, Scottish, American, English, Chinese, Israeli, and someone from Dubai too. No mustache man of my dreams but hey, it's only the first day ;)
All the material is easy but it's difficult expressing yourself in Italian when you are nervous. Classes are endless... but I think it's going to be AMAZING for my language skills. Being in love with one of my language teachers doesn't help either. He yelled at me for saying "Um" because I read something... and then I said "Um" again... This experience is almost too humbling hahaha. Man oh man...
My phone won't work. The residence lady said What does your contract say? And I said What contract?
I'm that dumbass without a contract. Failure #388748438483 since I landed.
Also meals missed/skipped: undocumented because of sheer hunger and inability to perform math while borderline on one's deathbed. And fear of speaking to a butcher or ordering food in bad Italian.
Staircases climbed today: 20-30
Shin Splints: How do you count them? I'm guessing 4 from the pain level.
Espressos: 2. I'm currently bouncing off the walls because I had one at dinner. WAAAHHOOOOO.
Time to snooze.
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