Friday, September 14, 2012

Sober "Partying", Classmates and Capri!

Yesterday, we finallllllyyy got internet in our new apartment. Of course, it’s the most terrible internet in the world. It will work for a few minutes and then shut off. Italian internet is a cruel mistress… I should have known this would happen. Italian women have the reputation of being very cold. That’s why Italian men harass women, they have low expectations. Unfortunately, they also know foreign women are stupid enough to feel too rude to ignore them.

Speaking of cold, my delightful cold from our weekend trip developed into an ear infection. I’m taking three medications, including antibiotics. Unfortunately, this means I can’t drink AT ALL. So this will continue being a completely dry week from now until next weekend.

Last night I went to 3 bars and drank tap water. I somehow didn’t get ridiculously bored until 2 am when I decided to go home. The evening started off at this great Trattoria in Perugia with Suzanne, Allad from Dubai (my and Suzanne’s male protector/sibling/peep of the year. We are already complaining everyday that he’s leaving Perugia at the end of September. It’s going to SUCK when he leaves. I could write an whole entry about Allad but I will protect his privacy haha) and Connor from Colorado who also goes to Umbra but does the General Studies program at the Institute. After dinner, we went to Dempsey’s, this American bar where this guy from Jersey works and speaks fluent Italian. He claims his story to be pretty simple: He came here for a month and never went back. I hope my Italian will be better. Right now it’s rather terrible.

Then we went to Lunabar, one of the two students bars in Perugia. Allad knows the bouncer and introduced us. We ended up chatting with him for awhile. He speaks 6 languages. Poo I hate myself. Haha! We might go to his rugby game on Sunday. Because Lunabar was slow, Allad dragged us to the other student bar, Merlin, which is not my favorite for sure. Then we went back to Lunabar for a bit before I decided to go home. Too sober to dance in an overfull bar of embarrassingly drunk people. Call me crazy ;) It was also CRAZY COLD outside. Fortunately, Suzanne and Allad are the best friends a girl can have and they walked me home! Allad has been protecting us from creepy middle eastern men all week. This worked out well because as we were leaving the club, I look out and THERE’S JALAL the guy who FOLLOWED ME HOME. So I freaked out. Allad took one look at him and said, “Wth that guy is so sketchy, he’s Egyptian too. What a creep!” Funny enough, it appeared like the bouncer didn’t want to let Jalal into Lunabar hahahha. I have no idea if he ended up doing so but whatever. So I slipped by Jalal the stalker protected by Allad and the bouncer. It sounds dramatic even though it wasn’t. Haha. I was just so grateful in that moment that I could take a picture and frame it as a big point in my life. I have no idea who will be protecting Suzanne and I when Allad leaves!

In other news, classes are going ok. I’m bored and my language skills still suck. We shall see what I do next month. I’m really going to miss my classmates though. People are from all over: Australia, Dubai, Moscow, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Germany, China, Singapore, Scotland, England, Luxemburg, Brazil, Holland, Tel Aviv, Spain, Poland, USA, ecc. It’s a really great group. I’m going to miss my classmates SO MUCH. There’s a boy from China who is studying music here and our teacher made him sing for our class. It was fantastic! Two Germans are studying Italian to pursue studies in other Italian cities, like Rome for medical school. People are either preparing for further studies or taking this class for pleasure. Unfortunately, almost all of them are leaving at the end of the month. So many characters.

So our international names drove our teachers crazy: Hershall from Vancouver is this cheerful man in his 60-70s who is here to study Italian with his wife. He is so funny and optimistic. He’s like our class mascot. Our teachers spent such a long time trying to figure out how to pronounce Hershall that it’s a class joke now. “HHHERRRSHALLLLL.” Then there’s Dore from Tel Aviv who is a grumpy young man (Don’t worry, I tell him this a lot hahahah “You’re such a GRUMP!”) who makes me laugh like a loon. The teachers read his name and say “Dough? OHHH Dorrrrre” with the “r” rolled very dramatically so I call him that now, “Dorrrrre.” He loves Slovenia so we are homies for life, I’ve decided. He speaks three other languages and served 4 years in the Israeli military so I feel pretty useless next to him. Then there’s Ja Hey (never seen it written) who our professor Fulvio tried to baptize with an Italian name. By baptize I literally mean baptize with a hand gesture. Poor Ja Hey. Fulvio is like “Mario? Marco? Francesco?” But Ja Hey stuck by his name. Good for him! 

I should probably talk about my trips to Sorrento and Capri. Capri was STUNNING. I didn’t bring my bathing suit foolishly. So, hey future husband, we are going to Capri for our honeymoon so I can guiltlessly splurge on the trip AND finally get to swim in that beautiful water.  We took a long boat tour around the whole island. Honestly, people, if you go to Capri, PROMISE me that you will go on the “Yellow” around the Island tour. Don’t just go to the famous Blue Grotto because you will be missing out. It was a beautiful day and it’s a breathtaking place.

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